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What is SAGE all about?
Listed below are some of the key Concepts behind this ‘new’ Utah State Office of Education’s Testing Tool…

SAGE (Student Assessment of Growth and Excellence) is Utah’s computer adaptive assessment system aligned to the state’s core standards. This comprehensive testing system includes the following summative, interim, and formative components.

SAGE Summative: Summative adaptive assessments required for state and federal accountability provided for English language arts (ELA), math and science

SAGE Formative: Optional learning resources, test items, and learning activities available to teachers, parents and students, linked to students’ summative test result.

For School Year 2013-2014, Hurricane Intermediate was “47% Proficient”.

Among all the other Intermediate Schools in our District, we ranked “2nd”!

Use the link below to take you to the SAGE Portal…

Sage Portal Student Assessment of Growth and Exellence

Our School Performance for 2013-2014